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紧急支持 and Resources

When you’re a college student, an unexpected financial setback can significantly hinder 你的学业成就. The Dean of Students office supports you and is here to assist 在困难时期. Our mission is to help connect students in need to resources both on campus and in our community that can ease unexpected financial burdens that challenge your ability to earn your degree.

We have compiled a list of some of our more utilized emergency support 程序s and 菲律宾十大网赌网站资源. Program funding is limited and distributed on a case-by-case 基础. You must be a current UAFS student with 至少2分.0的绩点 to qualify for the Student Emergency Assistance Program, 救援奖学金, and 完成授权. 额外的 requirements and restrictions apply. Don’t hesitate to contact the Dean of Students Office 欲知详情.



Shelf-stable food items are available at any time at the Dave Stevens Lion Pride Pantry, located on the west side of the Recreation and Wellness Center. 食品储藏室是开着的 11 a.m. 到1p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Eligible patrons can visit the pantry once per week for food, school supplies, and household and personal care items.

访问 Lion Pride Pantry

Students with an emergent or unexpected non-school-related expense can apply to this 程序. Funds are provided through the generosity of UAFS friends and alumni through UAFS基金会. Applicants must be able to document their emergency and inability to secure funding from other sources. Eligibility requirements and 程序 information are available through NUMALink. Learn more by signing in to your NUMALink account and searching for "Student Emergency Assistance Program."



Students who have outstanding balances after all other financial aid has been exhausted may be eligible for a 救援奖学金. Scholarship amounts are generally less than $500 and depend on available funds. 申请人必须具备 至少2分.0的绩点. 额外的 eligibility requirements apply.


UAFS学生 within two semesters of completing their credential but with inadequate financial support to continue may be eligible for a 完成授权. Grants are distributed on a case-by-case 基础 and are dependent upon available funds. 申请人必须具备 至少2分.0的绩点. 额外的 eligibility requirements apply.

Please provide your UAFS student email address
Select your 程序 of interest


The Babb Center for Career Services’ 职业衣橱 is available for current students who need attire for job and internship interviews or classroom presentations. Available professional attire includes gently used business suits for men and women, button-down shirts, blouses, ties, and shoes. Access to the Career Clothing 关闭t is free for all students by appointment.


Enrolled students in need of emergency housing may be eligible for a temporary room (up to three days) in Sebastian Commons. This 程序 is available on a case-by-case 基础 and depends upon room availability. Contact the UAFS Dean of Students Office for additional details.

访问 Dean of Students Office

The University of Arkansas - Fort Smith Student Counseling Center is committed to treating our students’ psychiatric, behavioral, and emotional needs. UAFS学生 enrolled in credit courses, including UAF Engineering and ROTC 程序s, can receive up to eight counseling sessions each year at no charge. 访问 the UAFS Counseling Center web page for additional details or to make an appointment.

访问 Counseling Center

The Powell Student Health Clinic is a free resource for enrolled students (except for WATC, concurrent, and health care-eligible employees) for many health and wellness-related 问题. 访问 the Powell Student Health Clinic web page for services and clinic hours.

访问 Student Health Clinic

Support resources are also available to students through Fort Smith community organizations. The United Way of Fort Smith offers help for those facing unemployment, food or housing insecurity, legal needs, transportation 问题, and more. 访问 the United Way of Fort Smith webpage or contact the UAFS Dean of Students Office.



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